Annual Report 2021
The year 2021 has pointed the way for Jenoptik in many respects. For example, the company has taken significant steps in its transformation into a pure, globally leading photonics group through the acquisition of BG Medical and the SwissOptic Group, the signing of a contract for the sale of VINCORION and the disposal of further non-core activities. In future, the focus will be even more on the growth markets of semiconductor & electronics, life science & medical technology, and smart mobility. This development is accompanied by a clear commitment to sustainability.
The 2021 fiscal year at a glance:
In 2021, the continuing operations generated revenue growth of 22.0 % not least due to the continuing high demand in the semiconductor equipment industry and the first full-year contribution from TRIOPTICS.
With an equity ratio of 44.4 % the Group has a solid and sustainable financing structure and healthy balance sheet ratios.
With our products and solutions we contribute as “enabler” to increase the efficiency and precision of our customers' products and processes as well as to a better conservation of resources and more sustainability. Jenoptik is thus making an important contribution to meet social and climatic challenges.
By joining the UN Global Compact in 2021 – the world's largest initiative for responsible corporate governance – Jenoptik is committed to the ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption.
More Value
With the new “More Value” growth agenda, we want to accelerate the transformation of Jenoptik into a pure, globally leading photonics group. Focussing on the three high-growth markets of the future – semiconductor & electronics, life science & medical technology and smart mobility – is the core of the “More Value” agenda. We expect this to generate substantial organic revenue growth which will be supplemented by further acquisitions, but does also not exclude possible divestments. By 2025, we plan to increase revenue to around 1.2 billion euros and the EBITDA margin to around 20 percent.
With this positive development, we want to create “more value” for all our stakeholders.

In 2021, Jenoptik took a big step closer to its goal of becoming a globally leading and high-growth pure player in the photonics sector. We have further strengthened our portfolio through acquisitions, disposed of non-core activities and concluded an agreement to sell our mechatronics business.
These were the focal points of our strategic development in 2021
Key figures (continuing operations)
million euros
million euros
Order entry
million euros
Jenoptik is very well equipped financially to be able to finance its ambitious growth targets from its own resources. We want to increase revenue to around 1.2 billion euros and the EBITDA margin to around 20 percent by 2025.