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Investment decisions and acquisitions 2021

Jenoptik wants to develop into a pure photonics group. While some areas found new owners at other companies, Jenoptik strengthened its photonics core business with acquisitions and investments, for example in new buildings.

Metrology Swissoptic


Jenoptik acquires all shares in BG Medical Applications GmbH and the SwissOptic Group. The closing was at the end of November 2021.

Since December 1, 2021, BG Medical, now called Jenoptik Medical, and the SwissOptic Group have strengthened the group’s activities in the areas of medical technology and metrology as well as in semiconductor equipment. The companies are expanding the group’s global production network, for example in China.

For future revenue growth, we expect an annual increase in the low double-digit percentage range.

For more information please read the press release from November 30, 2021.

Four spades for the groundbreaking ceremony


Jenoptik started construction of an 11.9-million euro canteen on the Jenoptik campus in Jena-Göschwitz for catering, meetings, and work breaks. Groundbreaking for this investment in a pleasant working environment took place in June.

More details in our press release from June 14, 2021

Jenoptik decided to invest around 70 million euros in a highly functional cleanroom facility in “Silicon Saxony”. After acquiring the site in the spring, planning started for the fab, where micro-optics and sensors for semiconductor equipment are due to be produced starting in 2025.

Learn more in our press release from September 16, 2021

Flags More Light


In the course of focusing on its photonic core business, Jenoptik divested smaller non-core activities in 2021.

In Summer 2021, Jenoptik sold its crystal growth business in Eisenach to Hellma Materials GmbH. Jenoptik also sold its non-optical measuring technology business for grinding machines to Marposs Group.

In November, Jenoptik signs an agreement to sell VINCORION, the mechatronic and defense business, to STAR Capital Partnership LLC. Jenoptik CEO Stefan Traeger emphasized on the occasion of the agreement: “We are convinced that with STAR we have found the right owner to realize the potential we see for VINCORION. In addition, ESG-oriented investors will find it easier to enter into a Jenoptik investment." The closing is expected to take place in the second half of 2022.

Find out more in the press release on the agreement.