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School zone speed cameras: Proven technologies that provide safety for students

Jenoptik's school zone speed camera solutions help increase safety.

More than 76 million students are enrolled in US schools and many cross roadways on their way to and from school placing them in danger from speeding vehicles. Jenoptik’s highly advanced traffic systems help significantly reduce accidents in our communities.

This independent study for New York City’s Automated Speed Enforcement Program demonstrates that “as of December 2020, speeding at fixed camera locations has dropped, on average, 72 percent.” The study utilized over 1,600 Jenoptik cameras installed across 750 separate school zones.

Jenoptik is dedicated to developing and deploying innovative speed zone enforcement technologies that help protect communities across North and South America. Our experience in delivering school zone speed camera solutions has given us an in-depth understanding on how best to design, develop, deploy and maintain these types of technologies, as well as the legislative hurdles involved.

With over fifty years of engineering and development experience in speed enforcement, Jenoptik’s traffic safety solutions include ALPR, red light, and speed camera technologies that are all designed and manufactured in-house.

  • All-in-one ALPR, red light, and speed camera solutions
  • Single source hardware and software solution provider
  • Proven in-house technologies

Supporting Vision Zero

We are committed to improving the safety and security in communities by supporting state and federal legislation aimed at increasing safety in school traffic zones.
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We know that school zone speed camera solutions save lives. As global industry experts in traffic monitoring we want to show our whole hearted support for automated speed enforcement in school zone legislation to help keep our children safe.

We have over 3,000 systems installed nationwide which have captured millions of incidents in the US alone. These systems help modify driver behavior to ensure our school zones remain safe for children commuting to school.
  • Benefits

    • Secure: Jenoptik technologies have been proven around the world
    • Precise: Precision results using state-of-the-art radar and laser sensors
    • Trusted: validated and proven results across multiple states and countries
    • Versatile: Traffic enforcement solutions can be flexibly deployed for mobile, stationary, or semi-stationary applications
    • Non-invasive: No modifications to roads or vehicles necessary
    • Low maintenance: power efficient solutions for every application
    • Customizable: Solutions for different applications to make our communities safer

Contact us for more information and demonstration availability.

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