Jenoptik opens workshop for young people
A new youth enterprise workshop at Jenoptik in Triptis is the place to go for children and young people with an interest in STEM topics.

The new Youth Enterprise Workshop (JUW in German) at Jenoptik in Triptis was opened on May 28, 2024 by Wolfgang Tiefensee, Thuringian Minister of Economics, Science and Digital Society, Dr. Stefan Traeger, President & CEO of JENOPTIK AG, and the Executive Board team of the Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research Thuringia (STIFT) Dr. Sven Günther and Christiane Kilian.
The JUW is the latest point of contact for young technology enthusiasts in the Saale-Orla district in Thuringia. In future, they will be able to learn the basics of metalworking, electrical engineering and additive manufacturing such as 3D printing directly at Jenoptik’s production site. The opportunities available in the new JUW became clear during a tour: in addition to learning practical skills on machines, the workshop also offers space for young people to develop their own ideas. These can be further developed and implemented with the support of professionals from the companies. For example, the young people have already worked on their own clock after school.
Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee and the STIFT Executive Board team Dr. Sven Günther and Christiane Kilian presented Jenoptik CEO Stefan Traeger and Paul Altmann, Jenoptik’s site manager in Triptis, with the JUW plaque, which recognizes the company as a place with a youth enterprise workshop.
With the youth enterprise workshops, STIFT enables practical STEM education and provides important opportunities for career guidance for children and young people. Companies can also make initial contact with potential skilled workers of tomorrow and present themselves as a training company. There are currently 21 locations in Thuringia with youth enterprise workshops. In the coming years, further JUW are to be set up throughout the state to implement a wide variety of STEM-related projects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
Stefan Traeger, Chairman of the Jenoptik Executive Board: “We are proud of the new Youth Enterprise Workshop. We are thus creating an offer at the Triptis site for young people who could become our employees of tomorrow. We would like to thank the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society and the Thuringian Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research for their support and look forward to the young people’s drive and wealth of ideas.”
At the Triptis site in Thuringia, Jenoptik specializes in the production of high-precision polymer optics and optoelectronic assemblies. The plant in Triptis has been part of the Jenoptik Group since 2003 following the acquisition of the former Wahl optoparts GmbH.
About Jenoptik
Optical technologies are the core of our business. Jenoptik is a global photonics group and comprises the two divisions Advanced Photonic Solutions and Smart Mobility Solutions. Non-photonic activities, particularly for the automotive market, are operated as independent brands within the Non-Photonic Portfolio Companies. Our key markets primarily include semiconductor & electronics, life science & medical technology as well as smart mobility. Approximately 4,600 people worldwide work for the Jenoptik Group, which is headquartered in Jena (Germany). JENOPTIK AG is listed on the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt and traded on the MDax and TecDax. In fiscal year 2023, Jenoptik generated revenue of 1,066.0 million euros.
Impressions from the opening event