Federal competition, Jugend forscht, Thuringia
Since 1991, Jenoptik has been a regional sponsor company. In 2012, the regional competition, Schüler Experimentieren [Pupils experiment] thanks to Jenoptik, was set up in Thuringia.

Jugend forscht is Germany’s best-known youth development competition. The aim is to get young people excited about math, IT, the natural sciences and technology, as well as to find and foster talent. Participants can take part from 4th grade [German system] to the age of 21.
Those who want to take part should think of an interesting topic for their research project. Individual and team work should be submitted in one of these seven fields: Biology, chemistry, geography and space sciences, mathematics/IT, physics, technology, world of work. The projects will be assessed by a jury comprising colleagues from universities, schools, company representatives, associations and former young researchers.
In Thuringia, there are six regional competitions and a federal competition. Since 2018, Jenoptik, along with the Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen [Foundation for technology, innovation and research, Thuringia] (STIFT), as a sponsor for the regional competitions, Jugend forscht, and Schüler experimentieren in Thuringia.
- Register online via www.jugend-forscht.de
- The last date for signing up is 30 November!
- Registrations that arrive from 1 December will automatically be recorded for the next round of competitions